Outdoor Architecture - Paris11/4/2011 The trees in the Tuileries Garden near the Louvre in Paris are trimmed yearly to a maximum height of 2.2 meters and the overall shape is gently trimmed to emphasize the axis of the gardens leading to the I. M. Pei pyramid. Here the lower branches are all trimmed to a uniform height to form a ceiling canopy of tree branches. The effect is being in a huge outdoor room looking out between columns of tree trunks to the space beyond. ![]() Palais du Royal, Paris The French, however, don't stop thee and aren't afraid to really make those trees stand at attention as shown here at the Palais du Royal, also near the Louvre. In this smaller and more formal space an alley of trees stand rigidly at attention with identical buzz cuts. ![]() Marie Antoinette's Garden at Versailles Yet the ultimate expression of this idea can be seen at Marie (let-them-eat-cake) Antoinette's playground at Versailles just outside Paris. Here the trees are buzz cut just as at the Palais du Royal, but they are also given a little flip at the top for added flair. Fun, but mon amie, you must have grounds to do this.
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